Activities for burning fat
Sports and Recreational Activities and the Calories they Burn
Are you suffering from obesity? Surely you are looking for some ways to burn down your extra fat. Yes the only thing you have to do is a lot of workout. Actually extra fats grow in our body due to the unused calories. So you should always burn the calorie you intake to prevent extra fat growing in your body. So, burning calories need a lot of workout. Some people enjoy spending time in gyms again some likes to spend time in yoga. These all are good options but some people look for some recreational or sports activity that will work out in this matter. This article is for them who are looking for such activities.
Sports and Recreational Activities and the Calories they Burn
Running: It is one of the very essential exercises to keep your body fit. Running burns a lot of calorie in your body and also to maintain your body shape. Remember a thing that running is mainly beneficial for the lower part of the body. The leg muscles and ligaments get very strong and another main feature of running is it keeps your heart well. It burns about 1000-1500 kcal per hour.

Jogging: This is something very interesting between walking and running. Some people those who can’t run for a long time can prefer jogging. This is a much better option if done in the right process. Actually, most people jogs in a wrong manner. You should learn before you do. It burns about 500-900 Kcal per hour. Remember not to force yourself when you get tired.
Swimming: Coming to the most interesting exercise, swimming is a great option to burn your extra fats. Mainly swimming is a very beneficial workout to keep your body in shape. Lungs and heart remains in a good condition those who swim daily. And it also burns a lot of calorie which is approx 450-800 kcal per hour.

Fotball: We usually love fotball as it is a beautiful game to hang with. But take knowledge that soccer can be one of your options to burn extra fat. Actually the players have to run a lot around the ground doing various exercises time to time which makes your muscles stronger as usual. It burns about 1000-1400 kcal per hour. But remember it is very usual to get injured in this game and you have to be used to that.
Martial Arts: Surely thinking about how it works but it burns about 750-1000 kcal per hour in your body. Yes there is no specific type of martial art that will work actually, each and every type of martial art serves great in this matter.

Basket ball: This non-stop action game is like a medicine to your whole body. I burns about 500-800 kcal every hour. Also it increases the flexibility and endurance of your body parts.
Tennis: First of all it is a miraculous workout game for your joint pains and secondly serves as a fat burner. Even if you are a beginner you can burn about 600-1000 calories per hour. So start sticking with the game to keep yourself fit from all sides.

Stair Climbing: when you have nothing to do at your home spend your time by climbing stairs continuously. Stair climbing can be a get recreation as well as your option to burn extra calories. Sounding weird but it burns about 600-900 kcal per hour.
Cycling: Lastly cycling is a very important exercise that every human should do regularly. You can’t even imagine that how cycling can help you out. It has a lot of beneficial features that keeps your body fit from head to toe. Cycling can burn about 1000-1200 kcal per hour as it depends on your speed of cycling.